酮醬辣趣 Rustically Handmade 成立於2021年,旨在創造適合低碳水化合物、生酮飲食和注重健康社群的美味辣椒醬和果醬。 Founded in 2021, Rustically Handmade started with a mission to create flavourful chili sauces and jams that suit the needs of the low carb, keto and health conscious community.
哇都幾辣吓 Whoa It's Quite Hot
辣到黐筋 Stupid Hot
非純素 Non-Vegan
純素 Vegan
微辣 Mild
酸甜 Sweet & Sour
暢銷產品 Best Selling Items

2021年成立的 酮醬辣趣 Rustically Handmade,致力於為低碳水化合物、生酮飲食以及注重健康飲食的群體,創造美味可口的辣椒醬和果醬產品。

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Email: orders@rusticallyhandmade.store WhatsApp: +852 60449122 Line: rusticallyhandmade Telegram: rusticallyhandmadehk Signal: +852 60449122

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